
improved your vocab --Words indicating Numbers

Words indicating Numbers

A group of constables called to enforce the law – Posse
A collection of eggs – Clutch
A collection of flags – Bunting

A number of disorderly people – Mob, Rabble, Canaille
A number of artists, dancers or acrobats – Troupe
A number of leopards – Leap
A number of fish taken in a net – Catch, Haul
A number of bees, lousts or insects moving together – Swarm
A number of asses – Pack
A number of merchant ships protected by warships – Convoy
A group of people who get together for some cause or common interest – Coterie
A number of hired applauders – Claque
A collection of pearls – Rope
A number of nuts, grapes on a bunch – Cluster
A number of trees – Clump