
Utilities and Application of Emotional Intelligence in Administration and Governance

Utilities and Application of Emotional Intelligence in Administration and Governance

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be a valuable tool a administrator and managers in government or any company. Since research on Emotional Intelligence began, results overwhelmingly show that people high in various combinations of emotional competencies outperform people who are weak in those areas. When emotional competencies are used in leader selection, for example, performance and retention rates increase significantly.
  • The research shows that the most successful people, those who consistently outperform their peers, exhibit more of the skills and traits known as Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership:
  • Studies show that high performing leaders tend to have higher Emotional Intelligence than their peers. For Ex: We have many example of a more successful non-technical CEO in a technical company compared to a technical CEO. The reason is that EI becomes more decisive factors rather than IQ in many areas of leadership.
  • Goleman believed that leaders with high in emotional intelligence are the key of organisational success. Goleman stated that, as leaders, they must have the ability to know employees feelings especially in the workplace environment, to interfere when trouble occur among the employees, able to control their own feeling, and able to realize the political and social interventions within an organisations.
  • Effective leadership basically correlated with the ability of the leaders to establish confident among employees, respect and intelligently build relationship with theemployees.
Emotional Intelligence and Team Building:
  • Emotional Intelligence has a significant impact on team member relationships and their effectiveness in reaching a team’s goals. Understanding our own EI strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of other team members, provides a means for improving the interpersonal dynamics of teamwork.
  • EI training can help team members learn how:
  1. individual EI fits with the EI of other team members, managers, clients, etc.
  2. work assignments can be made and accomplished more effectively
  3. to improve communication
  4. to minimize the negative aspects of conflict
  5. to present information most effectively
  6. to design more effective problem solving groups
  7. to assist team members in maximizing their individual and collective strengths
Emotional Intelligence and Conflict:
  • Emotional Intelligence significantly influences how we go about solving interpersonal problems. Thus, conflict in organizations often stems from EI differences. Understanding how to use our EI more effectively helps us solve interpersonal problems more effectively and efficiently and increases the overall effectiveness of work teams. When people understand the basics of how they are different from each other and their strengths and weaknesses, they can take steps to reduce conflict and become more accepting.
  • EI training can help to manage conflict which might include:
  1. Overcoming EI Differences
  2. Problem solving
  3. Emotional Dynamics
  4. Working Together
Emotional Intelligence and profession:
  • There is a relationship between EI  and the outcome in the job performance inworkplace. Profession such as cabin crew, hospitality staff as well as jobs related to the customer service officers are the kinds of task that need high emotional level. In this situation, the employees are expected to have positive emotion and has the ability to hide the negative emotions
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace:
  • EI has found to be beneficial in daily life as well as in workplace environment. Nevertheless, the appliance of EI has been most often documented in the workplace situation.
  • There are four significant reasons why the environment of the workplace is the best applied setting for assessing and improving EI competencies
  1. EI competencies are crucial for success in doing work task
  2. Most of the leaders enter the workplace lacking in competencies needed to succeed in doing work task
  3. Employers already have the standard means in order to provide EI training
  4. Most people spend their time in workplace
  • Emotional intelligence at work is about how people and relationships function: (a) Relationships between colleagues, between directors and staff; (b) Relationships between the organisation and its customers, stakeholders, suppliers, competitors, networking contacts, … everyone.
  • Founded on excellent practice and understanding of communication, the emotionally intelligent business consistently excels in all these areas and has insight into how this happens.
  • An organisation which is emotionally intelligent has staff who are: (a) motivated, productive, efficient, aligned with the business, and committed; (b) effective, confident, likable, happy, and rewarded.
  • Emotional intelligence is applicable to every human interaction in business: from staff motivation to customer service, from brainstorming to company presentations. But the subject is far deeper and wider than these examples, and emotional intelligence must be able to understand and deal with:
  1. how we assess people
  2. how relationships develop
  3. how our beliefs generate our experience
  4. as well as resistance, power struggles, judgement, competition, vision, leadership, success, and much more.
  • Only in a business in which the staff are emotionally intelligent can they work together to maximum effectiveness. This can only increase the organisation’s success, however measured. Emotional intelligence is essential for excellence.
  • In terms of economic point of view, research has revealed that the cost-effectiveness of emotional intelligence especially in the workplace has found to be an interests topic among organisations. It is to be found out that hiring process of employees when taken into consideration of emotional intelligence aspect can help organisations to be economic in their management.Benefits of using EI in Selection
  1. Hire the best fit candidate the first time
  2. Put the right person into the right job
  3. Reduce costly mis-hires
  4. Create targeted developmental plans based on the results
  5. Reduce the expense of screening and training candidates who don’t stay with the organization
  6. Improve employee satisfaction with the right job fit that plays to their strengths
In conclusion we can say that Emotional intelligence influences organizational effectiveness in a number of areas:
  1. To identify and recruit top talent and retaining them
  2. To identify potential leaders in its ranks and prepare them to move up.
  3. To make better use of the special talents available in a diverse workforce.
  4. Development of talent
  5. Helping people to be motivated, committed, creative, innovative and to to cope with massive, rapid change.
  6. Teamwork
  7. Employee commitment, morale, and health
  8. Innovation
  9. Productivity
  10. Efficiency
  11. Sales
  12. Revenues
  13. Quality of service
  14. Customer loyalty
  15. Client or student outcomes
  16. Making good decisions about new markets, products, and strategic alliances.
Need for Further Research:
  • As a matter of fact, through the emerging of several ideas and modern concepts of EI , it has been proved that much work is needed to be done in order to precisely determine the finding about what EI exactly encompasses and how it can be effectively applied in the governance and administration.
  • Future research in these following areas are significant in the topic of emotional intelligence field:
  1. The correlation between EI and personality. For this case, more research is acquired inthis area in order to examine the accurate relationship between EI and personalityconstructs.
  2. The reliability of EI models based on cognitive intelligence. In fact, this matter need to beconsidered related to the issue of the validity and the used of I.Q tests. Additional research need to be done for establishing EI as the best mode lover the standard model.
  3. The exact measurement for emotional intelligence. More research is necessitatedespecially in finding its reliability as well as its validity for measuring EI.
  4. The context of training in emotional intelligence. In fact, training in EI is found to bemore beneficial compared to another “leadership skill” training. Because of this reason, future research is needed in examining whether training in EI provides a better recovery towards the organisational performance.