
Introduction to Ethics, Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions

Introduction to Ethics, Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions

What Is Ethics?
  • Ethics is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.
  • The term ethics derives from the Ancient Greek word ethikos, which is derived from the word ethos (habit, custom or character).


he Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) are rules that apply to the domestic regulations a country applies to foreign investors, often as part of anindustrial policy. The agreement was agreed upon by all members of the World Trade Organization. The agreement was concluded in 1994 and came into force in 1995. (The WTO was not established at that time, it was negotiated under the WTO's predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) (GATT).
Policies such as local content requirements and trade balancing rules that have traditionally been used to both promote the interests of domestic industries and combat restrictive business practices are now banned.
Trade-Related Investment Measures is the name of one of the four principal legal agreements of the WTO trade treaty.
TRIMs are rules that restrict preference of domestic firms and thereby enable international firms to operate more easily within foreign markets.

TRIPS Agreement

The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an international agreement administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) that sets down minimum standards for many forms of intellectual property (IP) regulation as applied to nationals of other WTO Members.[3] It was negotiated at the end of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994.

mppsc mains 2016 GS PAPER 2

world history---renaissance in hindi

यूरोप में मध्यकाल में आए सांस्कृतिक आंदोलन को पुनर्जागरण कहते हैं. यह आंदोलन इटली से आरंभ होकर पूरे यूरोप में फैल गया. इस आन्दोलन का समय चौदहवीं शताब्दी से लेकर सत्रहवीं शताब्दी तक माना जाता है. पुनर्जागरण का अर्थ पुनर्जन्म होता है. मुख्यत: यह यूनान और रोम के प्राचीन शास्त्रीय ज्ञान की पुन:प्रतिष्ठा का भाव प्रकट करता

World History Notes fall of berlin wall

The Berlin Wall was a barrier that existed from 1961 through 1989, constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany). Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) is a major event in European History. The policies of restructuring and openness initiated by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev paved way for the destruction of the symbolic physical barrier. Within two years, the mighty USSR too disintegrated. As 9th November, 2014 is the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989), let’s analyse some of the questions related to this topic, connecting current affairs.

World History Notes--Revolutions of 1989 and the Fall of Communism

Revolutions of 1989 and the Fall of Communism

While discussing the fall of communism – a broad topic – the ideal point from where we should start is ‘the revolutions of 1989’. Communism – during the period from 1920s to 1980s – remained as a prominent alternate philosophy to Capitalism of the West. USSR – a confederation of 15 republics – was the leader of the Soviet Bloc. But around 1989, almost all on sudden, many nations which leaned towards communist ideologies separated from it. The revolutions of 1989 was just a beginning. It spread to the Soviet Bloc and finally led to the disintegration of Soviet Union. The events – more or less led to the end of Second World, which was based on Communist ideology.

Land Revenue Systems in British India: Zamindari, Ryotwari and Mahalwari

Land Revenue Systems in British India: Zamindari, Ryotwari and Mahalwari

For UPSC, Land Revenue Systems in British India is always a hot topic for Prelims and Mains. And as per the new syllabus ‘land reforms in India’ is specifically mentioned for GS Mains, and the relevance just got multiplied. Now let’s have a quick look at the different methods of land revenue collection systems which existed in India.

Land reforms in India

Land reforms in India : Land reform usually refers to redistribution of land from the rich to the

basic terms of economy

economicsEconomics is a tough nut to crack for many – GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, Repo, Reverse Repo, SLR, CLR, CRAR – there are many concepts to be understood. But if the concepts are properly understood economics is fun. is trying to provide an overview of the basic concepts of Economics in a simple language for easy understanding. Definitions of various economics terms along with examples or current data are provided.

National Income


Madhya Pradesh "The heart of Incredible INDIA"

 The geographical position of a country or a state goes a long way in impacting the course of historical events and also its economic development. It also influences the outlook of its citizens and their behavior. Madhya Pradesh occupying geographical the central position in the country, is veritably the heart of India.

Kyoto Protocol – Detailed Analysis

Kyoto Protocol – Detailed Analysis

Kyoto Protocol is considered as a milestone in the field of climate change negotiations. It came into existence in third Conference of Parties held in Japan in 1997. The Kyoto Protocol has completed its term and now world is moving forward to a more strong resolution in Paris Meet last year. Before discussing Paris meet le

The Parliament : Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

The Parliament : Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

On elaborating on the Constitution of Parliament Art .79[Chapter 11] of the Constitution states that “there shall be a Parliament for the Union which shall consists of the President and two Houses to be known as Council of States [the Rajya Sabha] and the House of the People[the Lok Sabha]”.

Words indicating Professions or Trades

Words indicating Professions or Trades

Person who attends to the diseases of the eye – Oculist
Person who carves in stone – Sculptor
Person who is skilled in taking care of hands and feet – Chiropodist

solar system general knowledge

GK For Various Entrance Examination

*** Our Universe and PlanetS ***
1. In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie between
Mars and Uranus?
(a) Earth and Jupiter
(b) Jupiter and Saturn
(c) Saturn and Earth
(d) Saturn and Neptune
Answer. (b)

Improve your English Vocabulary

Improve your English Vocabulary

1. Diaphanous :-

Meaning : Transparent
Usage : A diaphanous door

improved your vocab --Words indicating Numbers

Words indicating Numbers

A group of constables called to enforce the law – Posse
A collection of eggs – Clutch
A collection of flags – Bunting

The Revenue System under Mughal Administration

The Revenue System under Mughal Administration

The system of collecting revenue under Mughal administration, which establishment was grossly the work of Akbar, can be classified under two heads;
  • Imperial or central and
  • Provincial
To some extent it followed the Sur example of administrative organization.

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

The term Red Cross refers to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that was established to save human life and health, to secure respect for all human being and to restrain and lessen human suffering. It is a Non-Governmental and Non-profit organization. It is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

History of the Movement

Fundamental Rights – Detailed Analysis Part I

Fundamental Rights – Detailed Analysis Part I

Fundamental Rights
The term ‘Right’ has been defined as claims that are indispensable for existence and development of individuals. In India Fundamental Rights had its origin in the Indian independence movement. Through this movement developed the demand for civil liberties with an objective to end discrimination between British rulers and their Indian subjects.

Fundamental Rights – Detailed Analysis Part 2

Fundamental Rights – Detailed Analysis Part 2

Right Against Exploitation

Articles 23 and 24 of the Constitution of India deal with Right against Exploitation

12th Five Year Plan and History of Planning in India

12th Five Year Plan and History of Planning in India

After Independence, Indian economy was in a poor condition. For a new nation, every sector was to be strengthened from the base thereby strengthening the economy. For all this to happen a consolidated planning was required. So, the government of India constituted an institution called PLANNING COMMISSION in 1950 (Planning commission was replaced by NITI AAYOG in 2014).

Aadhaar Bill: Passage and its Characteristics

Aadhaar Bill: Passage and its Characteristics

On 16, March Lok Sabha, while rejecting the five amendments suggested by the opposition members of the Rajya Sabha, passed the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other subsidies, Benefits and Services) bill, 2016 through a voice vote in its original form.

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojna (PMMY)

Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojna (PMMY)

With an objective to develop Indian economy on 8th April, 2015 Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launchedthe Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency or the MUDRA Bank under Jan Dhan Yojna.
As a flagship scheme of the Government of India Jan Dhan Yojna was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 28 August 2014 with an aim to abolish financial untouchability by catering bank accounts to the poor.

About MUDRA Bank

How to Write Essay for mains Exam?

How to Write Essay for IAS Exam?

The candidates selected after the Civil Services Examination (CSE) Prelims qualify for the CSE Mains and there’s one paper in which they have to write a 1000-2000 word long essay for IAS exam and its of 250 marks.

International Cricket Council (ICC)

International Cricket Council (ICC)

The International Cricket Council (ICC), the international governing body of cricket, was originally set up asImperial Cricket Conference on 15th June, 1909 by representatives from England, Australia and South Africa.  ICC, has currently 106 countries.

Role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges

Role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges

In the regions of South Asia- India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Pakistan, there is intense internal turbulence and disturbances due to rebellion movements, ethnic conflicts and religious fundamentalism. Major internal security challenges are many.
Internal Security Challenges Include:
  1. Terrorism / Militancy
  2. Left wing extremism

issues and role of media

The role of the media, the Fourth Estate, as an influencer of public opinion has always been recognised by governments. Media freedom is generally accepted as a corner stone of modern democratic society

Economy of Madhya Pradesh

Economy of Madhya Pradesh

Economy of Madhya Pradesh was considered as one of the most "sick" economies of India till 2003, after 2005 it registered consistent growth rate and it reached India's top-most state in terms of GDP growth, with a rate of 10.2% GDP for annual year 2011–12. Madhya Pradesh has received award from Hon'ble President of India - Shri Pranab Mukharjee, in January 2013 for improving its tourism, medical and infrastructural growth. After Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh is now the second preferred state for the corporate world to get their industries set up.

recommended books for new syllabus pattern

 recommended books for new syllabus pattern i.e Ethics,world History,World Geography etc….Make use of it !!!
1.Facets of Indian History-Kalpana­ Rajaram
2.India after Independence-Bi­pin Chandra
3.India after Gandhi-Ramachan­dra Guha (Orient Black Swan)
4.Contemporary History of the World (NCERT XII)-Arjun Dev

Land degradation and integrated watershed management in India

In view of the stagnating productivity levels of irrigated agriculture, the contribution from rainfed agriculture should be increased to meet the requirements from the ever growing human and animal population of India. Land degradation is a major threat to our food and environment security and the extent of degradation problems are more pronounced in rainfed regions. Large potential of rainfed agriculture is untapped largely due to lack of enabling policy

MPPSC General Studies 1: Soils

The agriculture of any state depends upon the type of Soils it has. Soils are formed due to the breakage of rocks. The top most layer of the Soils consists of rocks and living organisms. It is the combination of many chemical complexes.
Not much research has been done on the type of soils found in Madhya Pradesh, but on the basis of minerals and are found in Madhya Pradesh, colour, density, Water retention capacity, porosity etc. the soils is divided into following types:


It is also knows as Regur (Humus) soil.

apply for the MPPSC MAINS EXAMS

apply for the MPPSC MAINS EXAMS

Must Know Articles of Indian Constitution FOR EXAMS

Indian Constitution when adopted by Constituent Assembly in 1949 had 395 articles and 22 parts. Many other articles and three other parts were added to it by subsequent constitutional amendments. As of now Indian constitution contains more than 444 articles in 25 parts. In this post. let’s check out the must know articles of Indian Constitution.

Must Know Articles of Indian Constitution

Article 12 –35Specify the Fundamental Rights available
Article 36-50Specify the Directive Principles of state policy

DISASTER AND MANAGEMENT-1986 Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl

Nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
On April 26, 1986, the world’s worst nuclear power plant accident occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the Soviet Union. Thirty-two people died and dozens more suffered radiation burns in the opening days of the crisis, but only after Swedish authorities reported the fallout did Soviet authorities reluctantly admit that an accident had occurred.

List of government schemes

List of government schemes- use these in mains answers MPPSC 
Date of Launch

Scheme extends the benefit of life insurance coverage as well as coverage of partial and permanent disability to the head of the family or an earning member of the family of rural landless households and educational assistance to their children studying from 9th to 12th standard as an extended benefit.

May 9, 2015
Social Sector Scheme pertaining to Pension Secto


Area(sq. km.)
Sex Ratio
Tourist Centres

Durighat Dam, Gangulpara Dam, Sufarwar


Corruption In India
All luxury corrupts either the morals or the state.
- Joubert
Corruption in the Indian society has prevailed from time immemorial in one form or the other. The basic inception of corruption started with our opportunistic leaders who have already done greater damage to our nation. People who work on right principles


In nature catastrophes such as floods, drought, earth quake, tsunami, happen from time to
time causing immense damage to life and property. It is important to devise means and
methods to manage and minimise from natural disasters as far as possible.

(GS PAPER-4) Concepts of Emotional Intelligence

Concepts of Emotional Intelligence

  • In 1983, Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligencesintroduced the idea that traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, fail to fully explain cognitive ability. He introduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included both interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations)

Utilities and Application of Emotional Intelligence in Administration and Governance

Utilities and Application of Emotional Intelligence in Administration and Governance

  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be a valuable tool a administrator and managers in government or any company. Since research on Emotional Intelligence began, results overwhelmingly show that people high in various combinations of emotional competencies outperform people who are weak in those areas. When emotional competencies are used in leader selection, for example, performance and retention rates increase significantly.


You are a Block Development Officer. You have been invited by a Panchayat Secretary to attend the Gram Sabha meeting. The meeting has been called to allot houses to the poor with an aim to make this Panchayat free of huts. State government has sent you a strict direction to provide durable houses to all the needy and to make sure no village has a single hut anywhere


Case Study 4:
As a DM of a home district of serving Chief Minister, you find out that a huge land scam has taken place in which close relatives of the Chief Minister are involved. The scam which you have unearthed has caused lots of financial loss to the state’s exchequer. You have been recently married to a daughter of an MLA who is known as staunch political enemy of the CM.


Case Study 3:
You are working as Junior Engineer in a Tehsil. You have been given responsibility to measure MGNREGA works undertaken by 3 Gram Panchayats. You have authority to give technical sanctions to all MGNREGA works. In one of these Panchayats you notice that your predecessor had wrongly measured many works, and in many cases he had approved works that never existed.


Case Study 2:
Recently a peon was appointed in your office (DM office). He is illiterate and mentally not sound. Ever since his appointment he has been more of a ‘burden’ than any help in the office. He doesn’t know any work. Staff in your office feel that their work is disturbed by his behaviour. The peon is always found to be talking either alone or with anyone he encounters. He is not obeying your staff’s orders in the office.

Ethics Case Studies 1

Case Study 1:
You are stranded in traffic in your car. You are driving the car. A poor girl looking very frail approaches you and start begging for money. Looking at he frail appearance, out of compassion, you take out your wallet to search for a ten Rupees note. The girl who is standing very near to you snatches the wallet and starts running. A man on a motorbike who see this act, catches the girl and starts beating her in full view of public. Now the traffic is moving and your car is in the middle of the road

Accountability (GS Paper 4)

Accountability (GS Paper 4)


What is accountability?
  • Accountability is to take complete responsibility by a person or an organization for what he/she or the organization did or failed to do (which was their duty) and must be able to give a satisfactory reaso

Conflict of Interest (GS Paper 4)

Conflict of Interest (GS Paper 4)

Conflict of Interest

  • A conflict of interest (COI) is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial interest, or otherwise, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organization.

Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions

Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions

What is Ethical Dilemma?
  • Ethical dilemmas or moral dilemmas or ethical paradoxes, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser.


Human Values – role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values

What are “human values”?
  • Values are “things that have an intrinsic worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor,” or “principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile or desirable.”


Moral Attitudes

  • Moral attitudes gives a basis to the whole of moral life. Moral values are the highest among all natural values. Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and choices.

Attitude’s Influence And Relation With Thought And Behaviour

Attitude’s Influence And Relation With Thought And Behaviour

Difference between Attitude and Behaviour:
  • Attitude and behaviour are closely related but they are two different concepts. Following differences can be observed between both: