
GK Quiz on Ancient Indian History

1. What were the crops raised by the Harappans?
I. Cotton
II. Wheat 
III. Barley  

IV. Peas
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, II and III
C. II, III and IV
D. II and III
2. Which of the following statements about the Harappan people is incorrect?
A. The Harappans were phallus worshippers.
B. They worshipped gods in the form of human beings.
C. They placed their gods in temples.
D. They looked upon the earth as a fertility goddess.
3. Which of the following statements about the Rigvedic Aryans is incorrect?
A. We do not find any trace of widow remarriage in the Rigvedic period.
B. We have some indications of polyandry in this period.
C. There are no examples of child marriage in this period.
D. The practice of levirate was known.
4. Who among the following occupied the supreme position in the Later Vedic pantheon?
A. Indra
B. Prajapati
C. Agni
D. Varuna
5. Which type of pottery was most popular with the Later Vedic people?
A. Black-slipped Ware
B. Black and Red Ware
C. Painted Grey Ware
D. Red Ware
6. Which of the doctrines of Jainism was added by Mahavira?
A. Do not speak a lie.
B. Observe continence.
C. Do not commit violence.
D. Do not steal.
7. Who is said to be responsible for the spread of Jainism in Karnataka?
A. Ajatashatru
B. Chandragupta Maurya
C. Bimbisara
D. Mahapadma Nanda
8. In what respect did Jainism differ from Buddhism?
A. In its stress on the doctrine of ahimsa
B. In denying the authority of the Vedas
C. In opposing animal sacrifice
D. In its attitude towards trade
9. The Pitaka that contains pronouncements attributed to the Buddha, laying down numerous rules for the conduct of the order is:
A. Vinaya Pitaka
B. Sutta Pitaka
C. Abhidhamma Pitaka
D. All the three Pitakas
10. The Veda that contains charms and spells toward off evils and diseases is  
A. Rigveda
B. Atharvaveda
C. Samaveda
D. Yajurveda


GK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian HistoryGK Quiz on Ancient Indian History